Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14
In the Calvary Chapel of Sahuarita, we see that Jesus Christ is the Head over the body of the church. It’s His church. He’s the One in charge.
As the pastor of this church, pastor JK needs to be like Moses, in touch with Jesus and receiving His direction and guidance. As the pastor of this church, he needs to be leading the church in such a way that the congregation knows that the Lord is in control.
As Moses accepted his father-in-law Jethro’s advice by having many godly people around him to help and support him, we also have a group of elders in our church. We call it the board of directors. We have three men, including pastor JK, on the board of directors – pastor Bill Holdridge, and Ben Peña. They are NOT a bunch of “yes” men, but they are men yielded to the Holy Spirit. They are men of prayer and trustworthy godly men.
Pastor JK does not report to the board of directors of our church, because they are not his boss. But he is accountable to them because he acknowledges their call from the Lord and their wisdom.