Church administration is spiritual service to the Body of Christ which involves the wise stewardship of God’s resources for the accomplishment of the work of ministry. Church administration or management is NOT the same as secular business administration. The only profit we strive for is winning people’s souls to Christ and ministering to the Body of Christ which is His Church.
We believe that the church constitution and bylaws are subject to the authority of the Scriptures. The elders are to be assisted in their service to the congregation by biblically qualified deacons. The Board of Elders must be informed and involved in important decisions, but the daily management of church finances, facilities, equipment, and ministry programs can, and most often should, be delegated to the assistant pastors, administrative office staff, and other faithful church volunteers. In this way, the senior pastor is able to devote himself to the ministry of the Word and prayer, and the church congregation is able to serve the Body of Christ in accordance with their spiritual gifts.